胡欣珏 (Xinjue Hu)


博士/先生 (Ph.D. / Mr.)

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副研究员 (Associate Professor/Reseacher)

(Intelligent Transportation System Research Center, Wuhan University of Technology)
(State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety)

电子邮箱 (Email)
huxinjue@126.com, huxinjue@whut.edu.cn
研究领域 (Research Interests)
智能船舶 (Intelligent Vessel)
船岸通信系统 (Vessel-Shore Communication)
船舶航行虚拟仿真 (Virtual Testing of Vessel Navigation)
沉浸式多媒体 (Immersive Media)
光场 (Light Field)
虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality)


教育背景 (Education)

日期 (Peroid) 学校 (School) 专业 (Major) 学历学位 (Degree) 导师 (Supervisor)
2020年9月 (Sep.2020) ~ 2022年12月 (Dec.2022) 渥太华大学 (University of Ottawa) 电子与计算机工程 (Electrical and Computer Engineering) 博士 (第二博士学位) (Ph.D. (Second Doctoral Degree)) Shervin Shirmohammadi
2017年9月 (Sep.2017) ~ 2022年11月 (Nov.2022) 北京邮电大学 (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) 信息与通信工程 (Information and Communication Engineering) 博士 (Ph.D.) 张琳 (Lin Zhang)
2013年9月 (Sep.2013) ~ 2017年6月 (Jun.2017) 武汉大学 (Wuhan University) 电子信息工程 (Electronic Information Engineering) 学士 (Bachelor) 无 (None)

工作履历 (Employment)

日期 (Peroid) 机构 (Organization) 部门 (Department) 职称 (Position)
2024年5月 (May.2024) ~ 至今 (Present) 湖北东湖实验室 (CHubei East Lake Laboratory) 智能船用装备技术创新中心 (Intelligent Marine Equipment Technology Innovation Center) 副研究员 (Associate Professor/Reseacher)
2024年2月 (Feb.2024) ~ 至今 (Present) 武汉理工大学 (Wuhan University of Technology, WUT) 智能交通系统研究中心 (Intelligent Transportation System Research Center) 特设副研究员 (Associate Professor/Reseacher)
水路交通控制全国重点实验室 (State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety)
2023年3月 (Mar.2023) ~ 2024年3月 (Mar.2024) 中国船级社 (China Classification Society, CCS) 武汉规范研究所 (CCS Wuhan Rules&Research Institute) 挂职锻炼 (Secondment)
2023年1月 (Jan.2023) ~ 2024年2月(Feb.2024) 武汉理工大学 (Wuhan University of Technology, WUT) 智能交通系统研究中心 (Intelligent Transportation System Research Center) 助理研究员 (Assistant Professor/Reseacher)
水路交通控制全国重点实验室 (State Key Laboratory of Maritime Technology and Safety)

学术发表 (Publication)

  1. Yaqiong Lv, Xiaoling Guo, Shervin Shirmohammadi, Lu Qian, Yi Gong, Xinjue Hu*. Intelligent Cross-Working Condition Fault Detection and Diagnosis Using Isolation Forest and Adversarial Discriminant Domain Adaptation [J], IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, July, 2024, Accepted. SCI, JCR-Q1.
  2. Shijie Li, Ziqian Xu, Jialun Liu*, Keji Zhou, Xinjue Hu. Design and implementation of a model-following controller for autonomous surface ships based on actor-critic reinforcement learning, Ocean Engineering [J], 312, 119157, 2024. SCI, JCR-Q1. OE’24SJL
  3. Yi Gong, Boyuan Yu, Lei Yang, Fanke Meng, Lei Liu, Xinjue Hu, Zhan Xu*. Toward next-generation networks: A blockchain-based approach for core network architecture and roaming identity verification [J] , Digital Communications and Networks, August, 2024, Early Access. SCI, JCR-Q1. DCN’24
  4. Wenhe Shen, Jialun Liu, Xinjue Hu*, Shijie Li, Song Zhang. Research on Mechanism-Data Dual-Driven Ship Manoeuvring Mathematical Modeling, The 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2024), 3837-3844, Rhodes, Greece, June 16-21, 2024. EI. ISOPE’24SW
  5. Yuxuan Duan, Jialun Liu, Song Zhang, Xinjue Hu, Shijie Li. Maneuvering prediction of a twin-propeller twin-rudder high-speed craft based on integrated CFD and empirical methods, The 34th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE 2024), 3869-3876, Rhodes, Greece, June 16-21, 2024. EI. ISOPE’24DY
  6. Shijie Li, Yang Li, Xinjue Hu*, Jialun Liu, Path-following control of autonomous tugs based on Gaussian process regression and arithmetic optimization algorithm, 2024 3rd Conference on Fully Actuated System Theory and Applications (FASTA) [C], pp. 1234-1241, Shenzhen, China, May 10-12, 2024. EI. FASTA’24
  7. Jialun Liu, Fan Yang, Shijie Li, Yaqiong Lv, Xinjue Hu. Testing and evaluation for intelligent navigation of ships: Current status, possible solutions, and challenges, Ocean Engineering [J], 295: 116969, 2024. SCI, JCR-Q1. OE’24LJ
  8. Wenhe Shen, Jianxi Yao, Xinjue Hu*, Jialun Liu, Shijie Li, Ship dynamics model identification based on semblance least square support vector machine [J]. Ocean Engineering, 287: 115908, 2023. SCI, JCR-Q1. OE’23SW
  9. Chenchen Wang, Xinjue Hu, Lin Zhang*, Edge-based Joint User Association and Resource Allocation for Light Field Metaverse Systems, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking and Applications (MetaCom 2023)[C], pp. 676-677, Kyoto, Japan, June 26-28, 2023. EI. MetaCom’23
  10. Taixu Liu, Shijie Li, Xinjue Hu*, Hongxu Guan, Jialun Liu, Survey on existing technologies in autopilot systems: current status and future perspectives, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1409-1416, Xi’an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI. ICTIS’17LT
  11. Guohui Wang, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu, Xinjue Hu*, Hongxu Guan, Survey on Ship Berthing Control: Current Status and Future Perspectives, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1417-1423, Xi’an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI. ICTIS’17WG
  12. Jiawei He, Shijie Li, Hongxu Guan*, Xinjue Hu, Jialun Liu, Ship Heading Control Based on Model Reference Adaptive Control, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1437-1442, Xi’an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI. ICTIS’17HJ
  13. Yue Yu, Shijie Li, Jialun Liu*, Xinjue Hu, Hongxu Guan, Design of an Experimental Framework for Testing and Evaluation of Autonomous Ships Based on the Turing Test, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 1443-1451, Xi’an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI. ICTIS’17YY
  14. Guanglin Chen, Chen Li, Jialun Liu*, Nan Lin, Xinjue Hu, Impact Factors and Safety Analysis of Takeover Behavior in Remote Control of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, 7th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023) [C], pp. 2411-2415, Xi’an, China, August 04-06, 2023. EI. ICTIS’17CG
  15. Shijie Li, Chengqi Xu, Jialun Liu*, Xu You, Xinjue Hu, Time-optimal coordination of multiple entering and departing ferries in terminals based on decentralized learning model predictive control [J]. Ocean Engineering, 283: 115097, 2023. SCI, JCR-Q1. OE’23LS
  16. Shijie Li, Ziqian Xu, Jialun Liu*, Xu You, Xinjue Hu, Towards the testing and validation of autonomous ships: design of a variable stability ship control system, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering [J], 11 (7): 1274, 2023. SCI, JCR-Q1. JMSE’23
  17. Xinjue Hu, Chenchen Wang, Lin Zhang, Guo Chen, Shervin Shirmohammadi*, Edge-assisted virtual viewpoint generation for immersive light field[J]. IEEE Multimedia, 30(2): 18-27, 2023. SCI, JCR-Q2. IEEE-MM’22
  18. Xinjue Hu, Yuxuan Pan, Yumei Wang, Lin Zhang, Shervin Shirmohammadi*, Multiple description coding for best-effort delivery of light field video using GNN-based compression[J]. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 25: 690-705, 2021. SCI, JCR-Q1, CCF-B, CAAI-A. TMM’23
  19. Xinjue Hu, Chenchen Wang, Yuxuan Pan, Yunming Liu, Yumei Wang, Yu Liu, Lin Zhang, Shervin Shirmohammadi*. 4DLFVD: A 4D Light Field Video Dataset, 12th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMsys 2021) [C], pp. 287-292, Istanbul, Turkey, September 28 – October 01, 2021. MMsys’21
  20. Xinjue Hu, Lin Zhang*, Angular-spatial analysis of factors affecting the performance of light field reconstruction[J]. IET Image Processing, 16(4): 1027–1035, 2022. SCI, JCR-Q3, CCF-C, CAAI-C. IET-IPR’22
  21. Xinjue Hu, Jingming Shan, Yu Liu, Lin Zhang, Shervin Shirmohammadi*, An adaptive two-layer light field compression scheme using GNN-based reconstruction[J]. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, 16(2s): 1–23, 2020. SCI, JCR-Q1, CCF-B, CAAI-B. TOMM’20
  22. Xinjue Hu, Jingming Shan, Yu Liu, Lin Zhang*. Adaptive Two-layer Light Field Compression Scheme based on Sparse Reconstruction, 10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMsys 2019) [C], pp. 74-85, Amherst, Massachusetts, United States, June 18-21, 2019. EI. MMsys’19
  23. Xinjue Hu, Quan, W., Guo, T., Liu, Y., & Zhang, L. Mobile Edge Assisted Live Streaming System for Omnidirectional Video. [J]. Mobile Information Systems, 2019, 2019(8487372): 1-15. MIS’19
  24. Xiaoyi Zhang, Xinjue Hu, Lin Zhong, Shervin Shirmohammadi, Lin Zhang*, Cooperative tile-based 360 panoramic streaming in heterogeneous networks using scalable video coding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 30(1): 217-231, 2018. SCI, JCR-Q1, CCF-B, CAAI-B. TCSVT2018
  25. Jingming Shan, Xinjue Hu, Yu Liu*, Lin Zhang. Adaptive Parameters Estimation for Light Field Reconstruction using Shearlet Transform, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Network Infrastructure and Digital Content (IC-NIDC 2018) [C], pp. 125-129, Guiyang, China, August 22-24, 2018. EI. IC-NIDC’18
  26. Xinjue Hu, Xiaoyi Zhang, Lin Zhang*. A Frame-based Multi-view Video Transmission System for Multi-user Environment, 17th IEEE International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT 2017) [C], pp. 1-6, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, September 25-27, 2017. EI. ISCIT’17
  27. Zhaozhuo Xu, Yuan Tian, Xinjue Hu, Fangling Pu*. Dangerous Human Event Understanding using Human-object Interaction Model, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC 2015) [C], pp. 1-5, September 19-22, 2015. EI. ICSPCC’15

特邀报告 (Invited Talks)

  1. Xinjue Hu, Lin Zhang, Shervin Shirmohammadi, AI-Assisted Light Field Depth Estimation and Compression, 2nd JPEG Pleno Workshop on Learning-Based Light Field Coding Proceedings, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG1, wg1n100308, Online, September 21, 2022. JPEG-Pleno’22



  1. Journal of Hydrodynamics (SCI)
  2. IEEE Multimedia (SCI)
  3. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (SCI)
  4. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting (SCI)
  5. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications (SCI)
  6. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (SCI)
  7. International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (EI)
  8. ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (EI)
  9. IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SCI)
  10. IEEE Access (SCI)
  11. IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI)
  12. IEEE Transactions on Communications (SCI)
  13. IET Image Processing (SCI)

协会/学会(Technical Societies):

  1. 高级会员(Senior Member), 中国造船工程学会 (the Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, CSNAME)
  2. 会员(Member), 中国智能交通协会 (China Intelligent Transportation Association, ITS CHINA)
  3. 会员(Member), 电气与电子工程师协会 (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE)
  4. 会员(Member), 国际计算机协会 (Association for Computing Machinery, ACM)

志愿服务工作(Volunteer Service):

  1. 秘书 (Secretary), 中国智能交通协会水路交通分委会秘书处 (Secretariat of Waterborne Transportation Specialised Committee, China Intelligent Transportation Systems Association)

授课 (Teaching)

  1. 新一代航运系统导论 (Introduction to Next Generation Shipping Systems): 2024春/秋季学期(Spring/Fall ‘24)
  2. 无人驾驶船导航控制创新性开放实验 (Innovative Open Experiment on Navigation Control for Unmanned Vessels): 2024春季学期(Spring ‘24)